Winston Churchill had once said that the farther backward one can look the farther forward one is likely to see. In order to move forward, the history of Malti Jayant Dalal is hence essential. Founded in June 1968 and initially known as Sadhana Primary School, it got its first recognition in 1969. What began with 56 students in the first standard became 278 in 1972 with second, third and fourth standards each having two divisions respectively. Started as a platform to encourage students to enthusiastically involve themselves in nurturing their talents and to put their best foot forward, the tradition continues even now, progressively at that.
In 1982, Sadhana Primary School became Sadhana Education Society's Punya Stuti Primary School.
Earlier, the school's primary classes were run in three sessions - morning, regular and afternoon, but these have transformed into what we now have - full-fledged primary classes in the afternoon between 12:45 pm to 6pm, owing to the fact that there is enough space to accommodate the students, which was not the case earlier.
From 1990, Punya Stuti Primary School became Malti Jayant Dalal Primary School and continues to be known so. Over the years, the students continued their active participation in various interschool activities. The prizes won by them have made a mark and find pride of place in a glass display section in the Headmistress' cabin. More than those prizes, the students' win in their respective paths in life become the school's greatest success stories. The education that we aim to provide is one that can be applied for the overall development of the students and to also instill life skills in them.
With growing needs, the management has also risen to the occasion, thereby providing added facilities and a stronger faculty to cater to the sensitive needs of the children with developing and impressionistic minds.
Enthusiasm runs strong in the school. It is also one of the schools's driving forces which constantly encourages everyone to put in their best efforts to not only keep the school running but to make sure that everyone is benefited by the time spent in the school.
It is the constant desire to excel and make the world a better place that keeps the spirit of Malti Jayant Dalal Primary School going. For, in the elders' 'tomorrow' lie the younger ones' 'today'.
ACADEMIC YEAR 2016-2017 We at Malti Jayant Dalal Primary School conduct a variety of activities and competitions as planned throughout the year, so as to enable us to bring out the inner talents of our students.